
Monday, October 25, 2010

Firelight by Sophie Jordan

Goodreads Description - With her rare ability to breathe fire, Jacinda is special even among the draki—the descendants of dragons who can shift between human and dragon forms. But when Jacinda’s rebelliousness leads her family to flee into the human world, she struggles to adapt, even as her draki spirit fades. The one thing that revives it is Will, whose family hunts her kind. Jacinda can’t resist getting closer to him, even though she knows she’s risking not only her life but the draki’s most closely guarded secret.

My Review:-

Favourite Quote:- Quiet surrounds us. So thick I can taste it. He sends me a sidelong glance, the gold of his hazel eyes sparking warmth in my chest, igniting a burn I thought was dying.

Wow, what a stunning book! Firelight was a beautiful tale of forbidden love, danger and mythical abilities. I had high hopes for this book and it didn’t disappoint.

You can tell Jordan is an experienced writer. The way it flowed, the way it captivated me from the first page, it was just magical. I have so many quotes that I love from this book.  Just an absolutely beautiful story.

I adore Jacinda. She showed so much strength for her age while struggling to choose between what’s right for her family and what’s right for herself.  She is a relatable character apart from the whole dragon thing.  She isn't perfect, doesn't always follow the rules and sometimes just doesn't know what the right thing to do is.  We all struggle in life especially at the age of 16 and Jordan captures that well.  Will is a crush worthy character.   I can tell he is going to have a lot fans.  Mysterious, protective and a caring soul. Jacinda and Will definitely have great chemistry. Sparks were flying. And oh my those kissing scenes were gorgeous. There is a solid bunch of secondary characters but the only one who stood out to me was Cassian.  He is an interesting guy even if we know little about him. It sounds like he will be a major part in the next instalment and hopefully we will get to understand the guy behind the dragon.  You can tell Jordan has really thought about her characters and what journey they are going to take over this series.

Okay I did have one minor little complaint but that was more to do with my mood than the actual book. The whole mean girl thing bugged me. I thought Jordan wrote it well but I just wanted one book where the girls in the story got along and weren't fighting over a boy. I guess that is not realistic unfortunately.

Ending of course was a big cliffhanger. I could see it coming about 30 pages before the end and starting screaming oh no! But don’t let that stop you from getting Firelight right now because I thought it was well worth the pain of a cliffhanger.

Overall, a breathtaking read that I suggest you pick up next time your at the bookstore.

Rating:- 5/5

Note: I love the cover! It is even more gorgeous when you have it your hands :)

Want more info:  Check out Sophie Jordan's website.


  1. Oohh I have to buy this book, I've never read anything with dragons in it before but it sounds great. I also have some serious love going on towards the cover it's stunning. Love the quote BTW. Great review Nic, I'm hooked!

  2. Thanks for the review-- its good to hear that it is as good as it sounds (and looks)

    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  3. This looks awesome-- and now I know the story is awesome, too. Great review. :)

  4. Great review! I've heard good and bad things about this but I'm still interested in reading it. I do hate the mean girl thing. So overdone.

  5. I think this book will appeal to fans of romance :)

  6. Ah, I really don't like the mean girls thing, either (if it's over a boy, especially. Gah. Girls aren't always like that!). But the rest of the story seems so beautiful, that I can't wait to read it. Awesome review, Nic :)

  7. I absolutely adored this book! I agree on the mean girl thing, it's getting old now, but still, I don't think it's going to stop any time soon. Ah well, I don't think it ruined the story. Can't wait for the sequel! =]


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