
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cover Crazy: Pretty Faces

I love making lists and voting on all the different ones on Goodreads.  So I have created my own meme highlighting Aussie authors and also debut authors.  This week it is also about pretty faces which was inspired by my current read, The DUFF.   Here are some of the best Aussie titles that are all about pretty faces:


I like the artistic touch on A Little Waiting Song, it really draws you in.  Scout is pretty (I have it in my reading stack) but it doesn't stand out as much as the other titles.  The Sweet, Terrible, Glorious Year I Truly Completely Lost It reminds of The DUFF with the whole bubblegum thing and definitely is a cover you look twice at.  But for me Posse is my favourite.  It is just gorgeous with the light and the hair blowing across the picture.  I also like the placement of the font.

Which is your favourite cover?

Goodreads Links:-


  1. I had no idea Scout was written by an Aussie, I'll be checking that one out. The cover I like the most is SWEET, GLORIOUS, this ones already on my wish list!

  2. Wow, I LOVE the cover for Posse! Just added it to my wish list :)

  3. I think my favourite is also Posse. I really want to read A Little wanting Song!

  4. my fave is Posse too :)

    two of the covers you have here are the US editions, LOL. so we don't get them. but I like them. I like the cover of Little Wanting Song better than our cover (which is titles Chasing Charlie Duskin) and I'm torn over Lisa Shanahans - I like both covers/titles :)


    love that you do cover posts for Aussie books!

  5. @ Nomes - I thought I would post those editions because there cover was more appealing and hopefully encourage people to pick up this Aussie titles :)

  6. a little wanting song is my fave but they are all very cool looking

  7. IDKW, but I have never been a fan of covers where the face is cut off, but I gotta say, something about Scout is pretty interesting for a cover.


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