
Monday, February 21, 2011


Today, I have the always entertaining and outspoken Eliza Boans from Fury by Shirley Marr stopping by for my first ever character interview.

For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of reading Fury yet. Here is the blurb from it:

Let me tell you my story.
Not just the facts I know you want to hear.
Eliza Boans has everything.

If I’m going to tell you my story,
I’m telling it my way.
Strap yourself in...
A big house.
A great education.
A bright future.
So why is she sitting in a police station confessing to murder?

1. How are things going for you these days? How has your life changed?
Hey Nic, thanks, like, TOTES for asking me! Everyone just thinks I'm really strong or that I'm going to chew their head off for asking (like of course I won't). I am human too. It's like these days every time I look at anyone I used to know, they pretend not to see me, or they turn away or start talking into their phone even though, like, I know their phone hasn't even rung. I know I've probably aged a million years since being in custody, but I reckon I look at least a billion times better than Lindsay Lohan, so I don't get it at all. I mean, last week I saw a bunch of girls from school I wouldn't even talk to back in the day, and I was like "Hey guys!" (only cos I'm sorta desperate and lonely these days) and they... whispered among themselves, stuck their noses in the air and avoided me. WTF? I'm Eliza Boans! They should worshipped the fact I said hello! But obviously times have changed...

WELL, the court case is taking up most of my time right now. And I'm spending almost every second of the day with my MOTHER. I know, seriously. But Mum's kinda like my only friend right now...

2. Tell us something unique about you?
That I am like totally smarter than anyone else thinks. I mean I don't have a lot of time these days (what with dodging the tabloids and paps, who write the worst, UNTRUE things about me) but when I get the time I read like, really really old books. You know the ones written like about a billion years ago and I review them on my blog (Eliza-Doo-Little). Like my byline reads: I am not a dumbass. I know that Shakes Spears is not related to Britney Spears.
Oh and I totally suck at math, but when it comes to a shoe sale, I can magically work out the discount in my head. Go figure. One of my many hidden talents.

3. Tell us one of your favourite memories?
I remember when I was really young and my dad was still around - Mum, Dad & me would sit together on our old couch on a Friday night and watch a movie. Most of the time it would be something totally crapola and OLD (Dad's choice) or crapola and a chickflick (Mum's choice), but what I really liked was back in the day, we were still kinda poor (before Mum became a rich lawyer) and our couch was so small, we'd all be touching when we sat on it. It was... nice. Like we were very close.
Of course these days our house is huge and our furniture is also massive and Dad's gone. Me and Mum would never dream of sitting so close together.

4. If you could spend 24 hours with anyone famous dead or alive who would it be and why?
Ooo, I should totally say Paris Hilton cos I want to know how she can keep going in and out of jail and still be a socialite people ACTUALLY want to hang out with... but I think maybe I should say, like, Buddha or Ghandi or something Lexi would say. They would probably teach me something actually worthwhile. Sometimes I feel like I don't want to be shallow forever...

5. What do you see your self doing in 10 years time?
OMG. In 10 years I will be, like, almost 30! Sorry, but I can't imagine being that OLD. I guess I will probably be seeing a very good dietician (cos my Mum says I can't keep eating crap 'cos one day my metabolism will catch up with me and then my life will be Muffin-top Misery) and a good beautician. And a good plastic surgeon. Only jokes. I don't want to end up with a permanently surprised look. I like glaring at people for one thing. But um to be, like, serious, I would like to free, independent and a strong working woman, maybe working with other people who have made a massive mistake in their lives, but want to overcome that and just be good person. Actually, it wouldn't be too bad if I ended up like my Mum (but no one ever heard me say that).

6. What is your favourite song on your ipod at the moment?
For some reason I keep listening to this song by The Manic Street Preachers called The Soulmates. My friend Neil put it on there for me last year. Which used to really annoy me, cos he would put random stuff that was "alternative" (yeah, like a crap alternative to decent mainstream popular music). But now I appreciate what he did for me. I keep listening to the lyrics "the graffiti/you left one me/means every part/is still bleeding" and it makes me feel a funny emotion I don't think I've ever felt before... I think it's called... sadness?

7. If you could give advice to your younger self what would it have been?
I would say to Young Eliza: appreciate your parents, cos they might not always be there. Appreciate your friends cos one day they might be gone. And appreciate what you have today, cos these will be the best days of your life.

Thanks Nic for asking me these questions. When I become rich and famous one day I'll remember you.
xoxo Eliza

Thank you Eliza for stopping by!   As you can see Eliza is very amusing and not your typical teenage heroine. You can check out my review for Fury here.

Thanks to the awesome Shirley Marr I have a SIGNED copy of Fury to giveaway (I am sending virtual hugs to Shirley for this). Fury is an Aussie title and is not available internationally so I am extra excited to announce this contest is OPEN INTERNATIONALLY!!!!!

How to enter:
* Simply leave a comment in the section below with your name and email address.
* You must be a follower to enter.
* If you are participating in the Aussie YA Reading Challenge 2011 you get 5 extra entries. Make sure to note this also in the comment section.
* Contest ends 1st March 2011 (midnight Australian EST) and winner will be selected by as in accordance with my giveaway policy.

Good luck to everyone!


  1. Yay! Thanks for the interview and the giveaway. I have been dying to read Fury!
    I am a participant in the Aussie YA challenge and a follower too.


  2. I've been eyeing Fury for a while now. I'd love to win a copy!

    I'm participating in the Aussie YA Reading Challenge, and am a follower.
    Skye, handley(dot)skye(at)hotmail(dot)com.

  3. Nice giveaway Nic! Fury sounds great.

    I'm a participant in the Aussie YA Challenge and a follower. +5 wee!

    Braiden, basciak(at)gmail(dot)com

  4. Yay for an international giveaway! This book is in my wishlist and I'd love to review it for the Aussie YA Reading Challenge. Thanks for posting this interview and having the giveaway.

    My email address is chachicsbooknook(at)gmail(dot)com

  5. Ooo, awesome giveaway Nic and thanks for making it international.

  6. Hi Eliza!

    I'm a new follower to your blog. Looking forward to your reviews. Everyone knows reading really, really old books makes you super smart. And thanks for the advice to your younger self. Word of wisdom I think we could all use.

    Nic! Thanks for making the giveaway international. I'm so excited! I'm participating in the Aussie challenge and loving it so far!

    missie at

  7. LOL that was a fun character interview! I'm not sure how much we'd have in common but I have to admit Eliza has a very distinctive voice. Love how she actually has a blog to review classic books :D

    Thanks very much for making this giveaway international!


  8. OMG I am so excited for this novel. It's just not fair that's it's not going internationally. Thank you!

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  9. This book has been sounding awesome! Please count me in!

  10. This is great thank you!

    thegirlonfire27 at gmail dot com

  11. Love the interview, Eliza's voice rocks :) Totes convicing xD And thank you for the contest!!

    I'm participating in the Aussie challenge (My review for my first book is coming, i swear! haha)


  12. I am so excited to see this as a giveaway!!!

    TheOneRing111 at gmail dot com

  13. Hey Nic !! Awesome giveaway and a huge thank you for making it international !! I've heard a lot of positive things about this book and I love this cover !!
    So my email adress is : and my GFC name is ninie2310 or Elodie RASO (I'm following your blog with 2 different accounts actualy) !!
    Thanks for the giveaway and the interview .. =)

  14. Wow this looks like a great book! Would love to read it thanks for the giveaway

  15. Sounds really good! I'd love to be entered :)


  16. Oh, hell. Why did you have to host another giveaway that I can't turn away from? And you made Fury sound even more irresistible (haha, irresistible). Participating in Aussie challenge.

    cc932005 at hotmail dot com

  17. Awesome review and great giveaway!

    Tina (goodreads)

    5+ Aussie challenge

  18. Awesome review + giveaway Nic!

    XX Jessica "The Resident Cougar" (goodreads) ;-)

    5+ Aussie challange

  19. Loved this interview Nic and Eliza! She made me snort when she called him Shakes Spears. HA! Her answers had me cracking up, and as someone who is rapidly approaching 30 myself, I can't imagine being that old either;) Thanks so much for this interview and the giveaway!


  20. Thanks for the giveaway, Nic! :)

    +5 Aussie challenge


  21. Love this format and although I am not familiar with this book, I thought you really did a fantastic job with Eliza's voice.

  22. thanks! for the review and giveaway.

  23. This sounds great! Awesome interview as well :)


  24. Oh thanks for the international aspect! Woo!
    *sigh* I didn't know Shakes Spears wasn't related to Brittany. I thought they were totally cousins. :-/

  25. Thank you for this giveaway! I have to admit I know very, very few about Aussie authors and books, and this one sounds really good!


  26. That interview was hilarious, Nic:-) And the cover of the books is awesome.

    +5 for the AYA challenge!

  27. Great fun interview & thanks so much for making this international. I've wanted to read this one ever since I read your review!


  28. Hey Nic just recently found your blog and I'm loving it!


  29. P.S for some reason it wont let me log in, only post as anonymous .. Weird.

  30. This sounds really interesting. I'd love to read it. Thanks for the giveaway!

    erinberry12 at charter dot net

  31. Squee!!!! So excited about this contest. Thank you so much for making it international!

    The interview with Eliza has made me want this book even more, she sounds awesome :)

    alexabarry (@)notenoughbookshelves(dot)com
    + 5 for the AYA challenge

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Alice A (

    Loved this book .

    +5 for AYA Challenge.

  34. Thank you, thank you so much for making this international and sharing the greatness that is Australian YA! This book really sounds unique :).

    xo Janina (goodreads)

    +5 for participating in the Aussie YA challenge

  35. I remember your review of this book. You made it sound so very good. Thank you for the giveaway!

    imagesandwords at optonline dot net

  36. Nic...forgot you have a blog! So silly of me! Hey, thanks for sharing the wealth. Fury looks great! Looking forward to another Aussiesome author!

    milly (goodreads SB)

  37. Great interview! I would love to get my hands on this one! Thanks for the giveaway!


  38. I would like to get my hands on FURY!

    (new follower here! Hi!!)
    Natasha Areena

    Thank you!

  39. AHHH, awesome interview, and I have been wanting to read this book ever since I saw Vee's review on it a while back! Thanks so much for the opportunity, Nic!

    I am a participator in the Aussie YA Reading Challenge 2011 +5, baby! :)

  40. Sounds awesome


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