
Monday, August 29, 2011

Kirsty Eagar Week Begins & Signed Raw Blue Giveaway!!!

Welcome to Kirsty Eagar Week!  

As you might know Kirsty Eagar is one of my all time favourite authors.  I still remember reading her debut book Raw Blue for the first time in October last year.  It was a story that slowly sneaked in my heart and hasn't left and never will.  Raw Blue is a regular re-read of mine as I love revisiting the amazing bunch of characters especially Carly.  Her story still has the same emotional impact on me no matter how many time I read it.  Then you have Saltwater Vampires another beautifully written tale that is dark and entertaining. 

I really want to celebrate this amazingly talented Aussie author and spread the word on how awesome Raw Blue and Saltwater Vampires both are.   And also give readers a chance to win a copy of both books as I know they are hard to come by internationally. (Note:  they are available through internationally with free shipping)

My co-host is Linds from Bibliophile Brouhaha.  Make sure you stop by her blog this week as well as the other blogs listed on the schedule.   There is loads of giveaways and exciting posts.

Here is the schedule for this week.

Mon 29th
- Introduction post here at Irresistible Reads and signed Raw Blue giveaway (International)
- Case for Carly post at Bibliophile Brouhaha plus signed Raw Blue giveaway (US/Can)
- Raw Blue review at Buried in Books

Tues 30th
- Review for Saltwater Vampires at The Unread Reader and a signed Saltwater Vampires giveaway (US/Can)
- Guest post by Kirsty Eagar about Night Beach here at Irresistible Reads
- Review of Raw Blue at Books from Bleh to Basically Amazing
 -Review for Saltwater Vampires at Bibliophile Brouhaha and Saltwater Vampires giveaway (US/Can)

Wed 31st
- Review for Raw Blue at Fiction Folio
- Collections of thoughts on Raw Blue at Inkcrush plus signed copy of Raw Blue giveaway (international)
- Guest post by Kirsty Eagar at I Swim For Oceans plus signed copy of Raw Blue giveaway (US/Can)
- Revisiting a favourite Book Boyfriend, Ryan, here at Irresistible Reads

Thur 1st
- Post on Older YA at Steph Su Reads
- Saltwater Vampires cover post at Supernatural Snark plus signed giveaway of Saltwater Vampires (US/Can)
- Review for Saltwater Vampires here at Irresistible Reads

Fri 2nd
- Guest Review for Raw Blue here at Irresistible Reads
- Other Older YA Aussie titles recommendations at Inkcrush
- Guest post by Kirsty Eagar at Bibliophile Brouhaha


I am giving one lucky reader the chance to win a signed copy of Raw Blue.  All you have to do to enter is fill out this FORM.  There are plenty of ways to gain extra entries to increase your chances.  Good luck to everyone.
Rules of entry:
- Must be a follower to enter
- Giveaway closes on midnight Sunday 4th September (AUS time).
- Winner will be chosen by in accordance with my giveaway policy.

I would like to say a big thank you to Linds for hosting this event with me, Missie and Melissa for making the buttons and all the other fantastic bloggers who are participating this week.



  1. Thanks for hosting! I'd love to win :)

  2. I haven't heard of those books or the author and I'm an Australian...Shameful! lol

    Thanks for the chance to win.

  3. Raw Blue was amazing! Very excited for the rest of this week :)

  4. This was a fantastic idea. One of my favorite books this year.

  5. Thanks for the giveaway!!I'd love to read this!

  6. Sounds like you have a great week planned - looking forward to it!

    And thanks for making the giveaway international :)

  7. Thanks for the giveaway!

    thegirlonfire27 at gmail dot com

  8. This sounds awesome! I really really want to read her now. :)

  9. i've been trying to get some books by this author for ages... thanks for the opportunity, nic ;)

  10. So exciting - crossing my fingers!

  11. Great Giveaway. I am so so excited for Kirsty Eager week. I am sure you will be able to tell from my entry. :) hahah

    Thanks for hosting it!

  12. I've been wanting to read this for ages! thanks for the awesome giveaway Nic! :)

  13. ohh this sounds like fun, i'm intrigued about saltwater vampires, i love the title.
    Raw blue was great so i want to check out her other books.

  14. This is so great.
    Thanks heaps for the opportunity!

  15. I admit, I've never heard of Raw Blue... but if you say you always revisit it.. then I'm sure its full of win. Thanks, Nic!

  16. Amazing Week coming up! Looking forward to all of the reviews and thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  17. "It was a story that slowly sneaked in my heart and hasn't left and never will." It must be really really good. Definitely enter ! Thank you :>

  18. Wonderful, Nic!! So excited that we are doing this! I hope it really brings attention to Kirsty's amazing writing! Thanks, also, for being a WONDERFUL co-host! Really, you've done so much - can't say thanks enough :)


  19. Raw Blue sounds so amazing, I can't wait to read it myself. Thanks so much for giving us the opportunity to win a copy of both of these wonderful books!

    Donna @ The Happy Booker

  20. Yeah a chance to get my hands on two marvelous Aussie book. Doing the happy dance!

  21. So excited to be a part of this event, I loved Raw Blue so much! Even though I'm hosting a giveaway for this book during the event, I don't have a copy of my own so I totally entered your giveaway. Hope that's okay:)

  22. Thanks for the great giveaway! I've wanted to read Raw Blue for ages! :)

  23. This is sooooo EPIC! Thanks to you and Linds for hosting this awesomeness, and for including me. :)

  24. I just read Linds (Bibliobrohaha) amazing story! This is going to be great! You wonderful ladies will be helping people everywhere!

  25. Looks like a great lineup. I'll make sure to stop by the other blogs later this week too.

  26. Excited to see some of these posts. I haven't heard much about Saltwater Vampires so it'll be nice to see what Missie thinks about it tomorrow.

  27. You all have me wanting her books! Love the giveways!! Squee!!

  28. Great giveaway! I love love love these books. I DO wish that were giving away copies of Night Beach, but I know that beggars can't be choosers. :)

  29. YAY for Kirsty Eagar Week!! Thanks so much for the giveaway! :D

  30. Raw blue is on my wishlist for ages!! Thank you very much for this giveaway and for making it international!

  31. I was able to borrow a copy of Raw Blue and I read it less than 24 hours (more like only in a few)! And I'm going to post my review on exciting!

  32. This book sounds fantastic! Awesome giveaway. =)

  33. I think this is a lovely week idea!!!
    :D I'll be checking it out for sure!! :D

  34. Yay! I can't wait to see every post this week! It's so exciting :)

  35. 'Raw Blue' is definitely a powerful book, and I really loved the surfing aspect of it. The language used to describe the water and the feeling of being in it was so wonderful.

    Thanks for the giveaway! =) I'm looking forward to checking out all these posts.

  36. What a great event, I haven't read Raw Blue but I'm interested to read everyone's posts!

  37. Thanks for the chance :)

  38. I've been trying to find a copy of this book after reading the reviews of all the lovely ladies on this tour, but I can't seem to find it! I would love to have my own copy. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  39. AGH, I've heard such great things about Raw Blue. Thanks for the opportunity! <3

    And if I don't win, thanks for that link to buy it from... ;)

  40. I've heard so many amazing things about Raw Blue from bloggers (both aussie & american!)so having the chance to win a copy is thrilling! Thank you for doing this! :)

  41. I know I am late to this party, but thank you so much for dong this. I have been dying to get my hands on a copy of this!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I always try to return the favour :)

This blog is also now an award free zone. Thank you for thinking of me but I just don't have the time to complete the award posting rules.