Aussie August YA Releases

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Here are the Aussie Young Adult Titles that are being released in August.  So many good ones.

Cargo by Jessica Au 
A beautiful contemporary tale about three teens set in an Aussie beach side town 1992.
You can check out my review for it here.
Available 1st August, 2011

Described as "A cautionary dystopian tale set in a walled, futuristic Sydney that has been devastated by global warming"
Stayed tuned next week for my review.
1st August, 2011

Two girls, two worlds.  Alternate universes.
1st August, 2011

Contemporary tale about a deaf teenager girl.
1st August 2011

Another Dystopian novel described as a "future world where fear of outsiders pervades everything".
This is also 2010 Text Prize winner.
1st August, 2011

Also don't forget you now can get FREE SHIPPING on Aussie books at
so all those books not released internationally yet you can get them from there!


Anonymous said... 1

Looking forward to reading Days Like This and The Bridge :)

Abbey said... 2

ohh i'm really liking the look of Whisper and Cargo. Such pretty covers as well!
thanks for sharing these i'm adding these to my goodreads list :)

Emily said... 3

Thanks for the update Nic! Lots of good ones :)

Jan von Harz said... 4

Would love to read Whispers and the Bridge sounds awesome too. Thanks for the info about will definitely be checking it out as I am always wishing I could get my hands on the Aussie titles after reading both your reviews and Nomes'.

Jess - The Tales Compendium said... 5

I can't wait to start Days Like These and The Bridge. I didn't know about Whisper so thanks Nic!

Unknown said... 6

Thanks for this post. I hadn't heard of any of these books.

Misty said... 7

I've never heard of fishpondworld. I will have to check it out. :) thanks

Leanna Elle said... 8

Only Ever Always sounds very interesting - must check it out! Loved your review of Cargo. I'll have to check that one out too. :)

Anonymous said... 9

I love that cover to The Bridge...cant wait to see your review on it...

Anonymous said... 10

^adds books to list*

I'm trying out the service at Fishpond, so I'm not ready to order more books yet, but I definitely buy some of this if it all works out :D

:D Thanks for the heads up about these.

Jenny said... 11

Awesome! I want to read more Aussie titles, the ones I've gotten to read have been AMAZING. Thanks so much for the link to fishpondworld too, nice to know there's someplace we can order them!

Bailey said... 12

All these Aussie YA books look so good! Thanks for rounding them up. =)

Savannah said... 13

OMG! Horray! I can't wait to get these!!

Alyssa Kirk said... 14

Wow, the Aussies are on it!

Melissa (Books and Things) said... 15

Oh after RomCon, I'm going to have to see what I have left over and buy me some Aussie reads! After your reviews, I know I'll be wanting a ton! :)

Missie, The Unread Reader said... 16

I just tried finding Cargo on Amazon for my Kindle and didn't have any luck. Where do you go to get Kindle books?

Anonymous said... 17

Ooh I want to read Days Like These! It looks great

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