Book Review: Torrent by Lisa Tawn Bergren

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Published by:  David C. Cook
Publication date: 1st September, 2011
Source:  Thanks to Lisa Tawn Bergren

When Gabi and Lia finally learn to surf the river of time, they realize they must make hard choices about life and love in the third and final book in the River of Time series.   Gabi and Lia Betarrini have learned to control their time travel, and they return from medieval Italy to save their father from his tragic death in modern times.   But love calls across the centuries, and the girls are determined to return forever—even though they know the Black Plague is advancing across Europe, claiming the lives of one-third of the population. In the suspenseful conclusion of the River of Time series, every decision is about life … and death.

My Review:

Favourite Quote:  "And yet, this is part of it too.  This deep, dark grief - it kind of shakes you up, makes you appreciate life, love more.  It opens your heart."

The River of Time is one of my favourite series so I was super excited to get my hands on an early copy of the final installment Torrent.  And what an incredible read!  It was everything I hope for and so much more.

Again Lisa Tawn Bergren has written another exciting and suspense filled plot.  There are so many pulse pounding moments as Gabi and her love ones are never far from danger.  But it isn't just action and adventure but also a insightful and meaningful story.  It reminds you to appreciate every moment you have.

Gosh, I adore these characters.  They are the type you admire and who inspire you to be a better person.  It is always hard to pick a favourite out of this outstanding bunch but it would have to be Gabi with her strength, courage and kindness.  She really has grown and mature so much in the series.   Then you have Marcello and he is much more than just an Italian hottie.  He is smart, loyal, brave and has such a beautiful and caring soul.  In this installment Gabi's family plays such a large part of the story.  It is great to read a book with such strong and positive family presence.  

Now, talk about swoon.  Torrent had plenty of heart melting moments.  And I was surprised as another character tempted my heart away from Marcello (which I thought impossible).  I wish I could say more but I don't want to spoil the book for you.  I am hoping (and begging) that Lisa Tawn Bergren will decide to write this character a spin off series because I am in love again!

Overall, Torrent was amazing.  My favourite out of the three and a perfect end to an unforgettable series.  If you like stories full of adventure and romance then this is a must read.

Overall Rating: 5/5  ***An absolute favourite read of 2011***
Writing: 5/5
Plot: 5/5
Romance: 5/5
Cover:  Love the gorgeous sunset and how it matches the series so perfectly.

For more info:  Visit Lisa Tawn Bergren's website.

For more reviews:  Tina's Book Reviews

Don't forget about Waterfall Wednesdays from 29th August to 28th September.  Each week we will read chapters from Waterfall (River of Time #1) and answer questions.  For more details click on the button below.  Thank you to Tina's Book Reviews for organising this event and Missie at The Unread Reader (aka the button queen) for making this gorgeous button.


Lisa Tawn Bergren said... 1

Oh, I'm so glad, Nic. As an author, I always hold my breath when readers have loved book one--even book two--thinking it's really gambling to ask them to love book 3 too. Thanks for investing in the series, and for falling in love with these characters along with me. xoxo

Ange said... 2

I really have to get myself started on this series you make it sound amazing! Awesome review Nic!

A Canadian Girl said... 3

Isn't it awesome when the final book in a series lives up to all your expectations and is the best one? Great review, Nic. *patiently waiting for my copy to arrive :)*

Jan von Harz said... 4

I have not read this series, but am thinking that I should. I love action and suspense and the theme surrounding this book sound terrific. Great review!

Unknown said... 5

I think I'm the only one who hasn't read this series yet. I keep seeing these pop up with rave reviews, I must check them out! Great review, Nic :)

Jacinda (The Reading Housewives) said... 6

I'm not reading this, obviously since I'm reading Waterfall now, but I do want to say that I'm really enjoying it so far and it's going to be torture to only read a few chapters a week!

Anonymous said... 7

I think Torrent was my fav out of the three...and only because my emotions were so tangled...

Im so with you about a spin-off series!!! Oh Ms. Lisa you know all the WW girls will gobble up anything you write....:D

Jenny said... 8

I think you know my feelings on a certain other tempting character - YUM. This one was my favorite of the three too, I was emotionally all over the place and I loved it:)

Savannah said... 9

So excited to finally read this book! I am reading it this week! YAY!

Aylee said... 10

It is so rare that you come across a series that gets consistently very positive reviews across the board and each book in said series is also consistently very positively reviewed. I just started Waterfall and I'm not really sure how I'm going to take it slowly, only a few chapters a week, especially when I read reviews like this and want to rush through it to get to the sequels!

Anonymous said... 11

I've heard so many good things about this series, I'm definitely adding it to my list.

I'm just waiting till the series is over because I'm all about instant gratification :P

Missie, The Unread Reader said... 12

I'm reading this now, and you are right. The pulse pounding moments are many. Gabi scares me with her fierceness. LOL

And, I really would like to see a character spin off of this series too. I even want Cook's story. :)

Jen (@ Jens Book Closet) said... 13

*Le sigh* Nic!! I am so excited for this book! After reading everyone's review, I just feel like I can't get my hands on it soon enough. I'm also pumped for the read-a-long. Now I must go and try and cope with my feelings of NOT having Torrent in my hands.

In the Closet With a Bibliophile

Small Review said... 14

Yes! Wasn't that other character so swoon-worthy? Ah, love him! I also love the effect his character had on the book. You're right, these characters are so much more than pretty faces. They're all such admirable people.

Wendy Darling said... 15

I'm about to start the first book in this series soon! It sounds amazing. Great review as always, Nic. :)

Melissa (Books and Things) said... 16

I need book 2 and 3!!! Between you and Missie you are both killing me! I want to meet Marcello! I need to meet Gabi!I needs it! NEEDS IT!


Okay, I'm better now... ;)

Ashley @ Book Labyrinth said... 17

This was definitely my favourite of the three, although I loved them all. So, so good!!

Jenny N. said... 18

Wow I really like the cover of Torrent and its good to know that the series continues to be awesome.

Alyssa Kirk said... 19

Waterfall should be coming in the mail soon so hopefully I can join in on Wed! Can't wait to get started so I can eventually get to Torrent!

Lesley said... 20

I just finished Waterfall in preparation for Waterfall Wednesday's. I wanted to just read the first 6 chapters but I couldn't stop myself and ended up reading the whole book. I loved it. Can't wait to start the discussions.

Abbey said... 21

okay you have sold me, i have to get my hands on this series! i have to admit it has something to do with marcello who i have heard a lot about...
great review Nic!

Audrey (holes In My brain) said... 22

Why have I not picked up this series yet?!?! Gahhh it looks so good, and there's time travel too, plus lots of swoon. i want! fantastic review :)

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