Book Review: Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson
Published by: Simon & Schuster Australia
Publication date: 1st August, 2011
Source:  Thanks to Simon & Schuster Australia

Amy Curry is having a terrible year. Her mother has decided to move all the way across the country and needs Amy to drive their car from California to the East Coast. There's just one problem: since the death of her father, Amy hasn't been able to get behind the wheel of a car. Enter Roger, the son of an old family friend, who turns out to be unexpectedly cute… and dealing with some baggage of his own.
Meeting new people and coming to terms with her father's death were not part of Amy's plans for the road trip. But then neither was driving on the Loneliest Road in America, seeing the Colorado Mountains, visiting diners, dingy motels and Graceland. But as they drive, and she grows closer to Roger, Amy finds that the people you least expected are the ones you need the most ­ - and that sometimes you have to get lost in order to find your way home.

My Review:

Favourite Quote:  "But since I've been out here, on this is like I've started to remember what it is like. To feel alive. To feel anything. And all I'm saying it that you never know how much time you have." 

AMAZING! I love this book.  It makes me want to go a road trip right now.  Seriously I want pack a bag and hit the road with my guy for a few days and go on an unexpected detour.

I am really having a hard time explaining why I adore this book even after reading it twice.  So here is 5 reason why you should read this book:-

1.  It is intensely readable.  Matson's magnetic writing is captivating from page one.   Matson also vividly describes the places Amy and Roger stop at, the people they meet along the way and especially the food they eat (warning: this book will make you hungry) so you feel like you are on the journey with them.

2. It is impossible not to like Amy and Roger. Both are complicated yet down to earth. They are characters you will enjoy spending time with.

3. Unforgettable secondary characters.  I loved Bronwyn, Leonard, Drew and Lucien.  They are absolutely charming, entertaining and a highlight of this story.

4. The sweet and heart warming romance that will bring a smile to your face.    You could see the connection with Amy and Roger.  No instant love but something tender that builds naturally as they get to know each other.  

5. All the added little extras to this book like the postcards, playlists, travel journal entries, receipts, photos, menus and quotes at the beginning of each chapter makes this such a funky and gorgeous read.

Overall, an incredible story that I highly recommend.  Amy & Roger's Epic Detour will take you on a unforgettable journey.

Overall Rating: 5/5
Writing : 5/5
Plot: 5/5
Characters: 5/5
Romance: 4.5/5
Cover: 5/5

For more info: Visit Morgan Matson's official author's page.


Ashley @ Book Labyrinth said... 1

Yessss, I totally agree! I adore this book! And I also adore the UK (and I guess the Australian, as well) cover. It's so awesomely representative of the book.

Audrey (holes In My brain) said... 2

AHH I love your list review, and I love it when books are really readable (which is why I can't get through the classics.. haha) I need this book!!! I'm gonna get it from the library asap, I can't resist any longer, it looks too good and I'm positive I'll like it :P

Abbey said... 3

yayyy I bought this book while i was in Sydney.
I'm so glad you liked it because that means i will too.
The cover is so cute and i just love road trip books.
I think i will have to organise a road trip at the end of the year.
great review as well :)

Anonymous said... 4

So happy that you loved this one! I have it in my TBR pile and can't wait to read it!

Emily said... 5

Excellent review :) I wasn't excited for this book but then I read your review and I decided I need to get a copy IMMEDIATELY.

Anonymous said... 6

I love your review. and though Amy and Roger weren't in my Short TBR List(I got lists of list :P) I think I'm going to sneak them in next.

Plus, I seriously love the pink cover (I got the UK edition, so that's the one that I got! and I LURVE it).

Thanks for the awesome review.

Belle said... 7

YAY! I'm so glad you liked this book, my friend gave it to me and I really liked the cover, but after your review I'm really excited to read it! I like how you broke it down into a list, too. :)

Cass said... 8

A list is the only way to go with this review. Love it! Can't wait to read my copy, too bad uni is back and kicking me in the head with knowledge.


Ange said... 9

Awesome review! Sounds like my kind of story, road trip and romance! This makes me want to read this RIGHT NOW!

Chachic said... 10

I've been curious about this book ever since I first heard about it and your review just makes me want to pick it up. I've heard that the inside looks like a scrapbook and i think that's pretty cool. I have a feeling that I'd want to go on a road trip after I finish reading this.

Unknown said... 11

Great review! You make me wanna read this book now! :)

New follower,
April (books4juliet)

Anonymous said... 12


Missie, The Unread Reader said... 13

Your enthusiasm over this book makes me want to hunt it down right now! I'm already goofy grinning over your description of the romance; it sounds EPIC.

Small Review said... 14

Ok, that was pretty much a checklist of things I want to read about. I love a good road trip book :)

Savannah said... 15

Ok, I have seen this book pop up everywhere and now your review makes me must have it now! I am so picking this book up! Great review!

Jacinda (The Reading Housewives) said... 16

I'm jealous of this cover!!!

Both Amy and Roger are likable---you are right!

The extra stuff made this book much more!

Nice review Nic! :)

A.J. said... 17

One of my favorite books! <3

Jenny said... 18

I think this book would make me want to go on a road trip too:) I've heard so many good things about this one and I just love that she includes little mementos from their trip, that's such a cool idea. Fabulous review Nic!

Jenny N. said... 19

I've heard so many good things about this book plus it sounds like an awesome summer read.

Leanna Elle said... 20

I love this book and all its little extras! It totally makes me want to go on an American road trip! :)

Melissa (Books and Things) said... 21

Such a great list and I love it when they add those little extras. Oh and I also love things set in CO (even if it is only for a short time). I can usually imagine more clearly where it is and what it looks like! :) On to put it on my wishlist!

Anonymous said... 22

WHY WHY WHY... haven't I read this yet??? If Nic gives it a 5/5 its a must read...:)

Rummanah Aasi said... 23

You're about the 20th person who has loved this book! I really need to get my hands on a copy. So glad you enjoyed the book. :)

Bailey said... 24

I love how you describe this one!! The romance sounds great!!! =) Will definitely pick this one up in the future!!

A Canadian Girl said... 25

I loved this one too, especially because of reason #5. Those receipts and playlists really make you feel as if you're on the trip with Amy and Roger.

Melissa (i swim for oceans) said... 26

YAYYYYY! I bought this book, so I'm totally stoked to read it now! Fab review :)

Flannery (The Readventurer) said... 27

Wow, such high scores. I don't think I got far enough into this one to see all the added postcards, playlists, and stuff. (I think I was just being too picky that day!) Anyway, ever since you sent me Jaclyn Moriarty (well not ACTUALLY JM, but her book:)), I realized how much I love those added things in books. Especially when they add sentiment or humor.

I think I have this on my Kindle. Your review and the Bookers' love for this one make me so excited to try this.

Alix said... 28

I just started this! So it was great to read such a enthusiastic review! I love the extras it's such a great idea!

Jammie said... 29

I know that I have a few books that are road trip book on my list of books that I want to read, but I have no idea which ones they would be, there are just so many on there I forget what most of them are even about or why I wrote them down.

Since reading Saving June (actually my first road trip book) I have been *really* wanting to read more road trip books! So this will definitely be going on the top of my list! :D Awsome review :)

Liz. R said... 30

Aw this one sounds really cute I can't wait to read it! I've never read anything about roadtrips before. Glad you enjoyed it :).

Misty said... 31

Coolies. I haven't heard of this one before now. It looks like a great read, judging from the... oh I don't know.... 5 out of 5 rating! haha thanks

Books for Company said... 32

I am glad you liked this! =)
I loved this, such a sweet read.

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