My Book Boyfriend #25 - Wesley Rush

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My Book Boyfriend is hosted by the awesome blogger Missie at The Unread Reader.   What is My Book Boyfriend you might ask.  Well it is a weekly meme where we talk about a literary crush including stats, a picture of what you imagine he looks like and some quotes from him that make you swoon.  If you are interested in participating please check out Missie blog The Unread Reader.

This week pick is:

"Your sense of humor needs some work, then," Wesley suggested. "Most girls find my jokes charming."
"Those girls must have IQs low enough to trip over." 

Wesley Rush is definitely a handful!
Charming, cocky, arrogant but sweet to the right girl.
* Warm grey eyes
* Dark curly hair
* Crooked arrogant little grin
* 6"2 muscular build.

"Something tells me this isn't about The Scarlet Letter,"  he said, and even in the dark I knew he was grinning.
"Be quiet."
This time he met me halfway. His hands tangled in my hair and mine clawed at his forearms.  We kissed violently, and my back slammed against the wall.  I heard a mop - or maybe a broom - topple over, but my brain barely registered the sound as one of Wesley's hands moved to my hip, holding me closer to him.  He was so much taller than me that I had to tilt my head back almost all the way to meet his kiss.  His lips pressed hard against mine, and I let my hands explore his biceps.

I think of you much more than any self-respecting man would like to admit, and I'm insanely jealous of Tucker - something I never thought I'd say. Moving on after you is impossible. No other girl can keep me on my toes the way you can. No one else makes me WANT to embarrass myself by writing sappy letters like this one.
Only you

Without warning, Wesley lifted me up onto the pool table.  His hands moved to my shoulders, and a second later, I was flat on my back, staring up at him as he smirked.  He shifted so that he was on the table too, leaning over me with his face only inches from mine.

What do you think of Wesley?

Thanks to Missie for hosting this challenge.  
Check out Missie's post on Wesley!

*** My Mum has just started following my blog O.o.  So I hope Mum you like shirtless pictures!


Audrey (holes In My brain) said... 1

Oh wesley. When he's described as the hottest guy ever, none of your pics can go wrong :p and those ABS, holy.
and LOL at the footnote! I'm sure she will appreciate them XD

Missie, The Unread Reader said... 2

*waves at Nic's mum*

Please ignore me as I slip over my own drool.

Nic, I believe this is my favorite BB for you yet! Seriously, how do you find these guys?! Nom Nom Nom!

I adore Wesley. He's the perfect asshat for me. :)

Anonymous said... 3

You tempt me with hot pictures and good quotes!! LOL

I never felt inclined to read The Duff but Wesley is kind of tempting me, since you like him so much

mfay2 said... 4

I just finished reading this book. And I love that you included the letter quote. That part killed me. It's nice to put a face to the character.

*Says hi to your mom*

A Canadian Girl said... 5

*waves a hi to Nic's mom*

Nic, first Missie posted about Wesley and now you. I seriously need to read The DUFF then!

Alix said... 6

Oh la la I like the sound of Wesley. The Duff never really caught my attention, but a wesley just did :-) I might have to give this ago.

Jammie said... 7

I added The DUFF to the list of books that I want to read a little while ago. But now I want to read it even more!! :D Love you BB posts :P

Book Passion for Life said... 8

Oooh haven't heard about this one, but I definitely like the sound of Wesley *la swoon*
Awesome pick Nic!

Jess - The Tales Compendium said... 9

*sigh* I had forgotten how much I love Wesley! Wish I had the time to re-read The DUFF sometime soon.. these pics will have to suffice for the time being ;)

Abbey said... 10

Argghhh those photos NIc! too much attractiveness!
I love love Wesley Rush, 'The Duff' was such a fun read.
and.. the quotes ahh i will have to give this a re-read
Great great choice :)

Belle said... 11

*hi Nic's mum*
My mum reads my blog too. She enjoys shirtless photos of Eric Northman but not the "little boys" I sometimes feature, apparently. LOL.
But about your post - delightful, as always! I already really wanted to read this book but now I can't wait. Wesley sounds awesome - that last quote, OMG! And those photos... I want to sink my teeth into those abs. Yummmmm.

Ange said... 12

Hot hot hot!! I just love dark curly hair! I really must read this book because it sounds awesome!

Lucy (The Secret Life of Books) said... 13

Everything about this post is perfect! Wesley sounds amazing. I love cocky but sweet guys.

Anonymous said... 14

Totally hot! Also, pool table. Swoon.

A.J. said... 15


That's all I can say... 8D

Andra Lyn said... 16

*Squeals*!! I <3 Wesley so much!!! I was debating on having him as MBB this week...but I picked Eric Northman honor of the most awesome, latest episode of True Blood :D Excellent pics! I need to go out and buy The Duff. I read it initially from the Lib and now all I want to do is re-read!

Yahong said... 17

OH. Those pictures. The quotes. And I LOVE that letter he wrote!

Hi, Nic's mum! Don't mind us slobbering quietly in a corner over here.

Jo Jo (JoAnna) said... 18

Hello Nic's mum ***waives****

Nic I am so sad I wasn't the first to comment. I pretty much have been stalking your blog for the last 24 hours hoping you had posted him. Mr.Wesley Rush is hot hot hot, you nailed it! Makes me want to re read the book again and again..

For those of you who haven't read this book. Buy it NOW!!! It is so good! The chemistry between Bianca and Wesley is off the charts hot.

Jenny said... 19

Okay seriously Nic, do you have a stock pile of models you pull from for these posts? He's delicious! I really liked Wesley even though I wanted to punch him in the face sometimes. He kind of grows on you like a fungus:) Fantastic pick!

Lisa said... 20

I think Wesley's cocky attitude makes him that much hotter...then at the end with that letter...SWOON!

Rummanah Aasi said... 21

Awesome pics as ususal, Nic, but I really disliked Wesley. I thought he was such a jock jerk and didn't feel like he really changed. I love that first quote though!

Yani {AvidReader} said... 22

I love me some Wesley and that model WOW... no words :)

Bailey said... 23

*SWOON* I LOVE WESLEY! You picked the perfect guy to represent him. WOW. WOW. I am in love! =D

Leanna Elle said... 24

Hi Nic's mum! You'll have to behave on here now, Nic! :D

Oh, this guy he's yum!! I haven't read The Duff, but maybe I should!

Jenny N. said... 25

Love all the quotes you chose...Wesley is so hot!!! This really makes me want to reread The Duff.

Melissa (Books and Things) said... 26

Heh... my mom comes on my blog on occasion to see what I have for my Book Boyfriend. lol ;)

Oh I love that first quote. ROFL! Oh and those pics! I know I like the shirtless pics!!!!! :D *drool*

*wipes chin*

Excuse me... *drools more*

Jacinda (The Reading Housewives) said... 27

That is very, very close to how I picture Wesley in my're very good at this Nic, it's kind of scary!

*waves* Hi Nic's mother! :) What do you think of Wesley?!

Savannah said... 28

*Hello Nic's mom* My mom follows my blog too! LOL

BTW, Love this guy! I need to read it.

Jan von Harz said... 29

Wesley was my favorite character in the Duff and after rereading all the quotes and seeing your pics I decided I need go back and check him out again because your Wes is even hotter than I remember.

Angela @ Reading Angels said... 30

If I wasn't already head over heels in love with Wesley I would be now!! YUM YUM YUM!!! Where did you find that hottie? Thank you for sharing ;)

Alyssa Kirk said... 31

Hi Nic's Mom! You're daughter has great taste in sinfully hot shirtless men! Good job on raising her right so we can all enjoy the gift!

Nomes said... 32

i'm sure your mum is pleased with you ;) (and wes ;)

the third one is my fave. the 4th one made me laugh, LOL, that pose! this is one of your hottest ones yet (way to ease your mum straight into it! :D

Unknown said... 33

Nice! I love Wesley!

Anonymous said... 34

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