In My Mailbox #37 - Legend and more...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

In My Mailbox was created by Kristi at The Story Siren and inspired by Alea at Pop Culture Junkie.

For review:
Deception by Lee Nichols - First book in a YA trilogy of "ghosts, romance and mystery".  Thanks to Bloomsbury.

All These Things I've Done by Gabrielle Zevin - YA dystopia.  I had already received the bound pages but now I have a finished copy.  You can check out my review HERE.  Thanks to Pan Macmillan Australia.  I also received All These Things I've Done in audio format as well thanks to Macmillan Audio.

Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick - The sequel to Hush, Hush.  This was sent to me so I can catch up on the series before Silence is released in October.  Thanks to Simon & Schuster.

Unlovable by Sherry Gammon - YA contemp and debut author of 2011.  Thanks to Sherry Gammon.

Legend by Marie Lu - YA dystopia and debut author of 2011.  I am so excited to read this after reading so many amazing reviews for it.  Thanks to Alexa.

Tangled by Carolyn Mackler - YA contemp.  "The good girl, the jock, the beautiful one and the geek.  Tangled them together and the unexpected happens".  Doesn't that sound good?  Thanks to my friend in Germany.

Beautiful Malice by Rebecca James - YA Aussie thriller.   I have been wanting to buy this for months and yesterday being National Bookshop Day in Australia and gave me an excuse to finally buy it (even with my TBR pile overflowing).

What did you get in your mailbox?  


Leanna Elle said... 1

Beautiful Malice is one of my faves! Hope you love it! :)

Brett @ Demons Read Too said... 2

Great books. Crescendo's okay, but Nora annoyed me a bit. Tangled sounds alright, I hadn't heard of it before.

Thanks for popping by.

Jammie said... 3

I love Beautiful Malice. I need to buy it. I borrowed the copy that I read off of my friend :P Haha.
Tangled sounds kinda interesting, only going on your little description, I don't think I have heard of it :)
I am really excited to read Silence. The Hush Hush series is my younger sisters favourite, she compares everything to it. :)

Unknown said... 4

Legend looks and sounds super awesome. I mean, just look at that shiny cover! Enjoy!

Aylee said... 5

Ooh, I'm excited to read Legend (when it comes out) too! The hype, the synopsis, everything about it sounds awesome! Hope you love it!

Ashley @ Book Labyrinth said... 6

Oh it's the new Tangled cover!!

And speaking of different covers, I really like the chocolate heart version of 'All These Things I've Done', but I love the colours on that version of the cover as well.

Enjoy your books! =)

Anonymous said... 7

I hope you love Legend!

Missie, The Unread Reader said... 8

Wow! Can' you read Unlovable right away and let me know if it is as good as it looks. Please say yes. LOL

Beautiful Malice sounds good too!

Book Passion for Life said... 9

Yay! Nic....Unlovable is AMAZING! I read it a few months ago for review and its fantastic. I really hope you enjoy it :)


Abbey said... 10

so so many good books here Nic.
You will like crecendo if you liked Hush Hush which i loved.
The cover for unloveable is so beautiful.
and i really want to read Tangled!
happy reading

Audrey (holes In My brain) said... 11

Legend!!! Oh my goshh, jealous, I can't wait to hear what you think of it :) Awesome books this week! :)

Holly said... 12

I just finished Hush, Hush + cannot wait to read Crescendo.

Steph: Short and Sweet said... 13

Awesome books this week! Crescendo isn't bad, it's better than Hush, Hush :) Hope you enjoy reading all those books!


Books for Company said... 14

Awesome books! =)
Look forward to the reviews

Small Review said... 15

Deception! I hope you like that one. I love The Rake. He's not a love interest, but I wish he were :)

Nomes said... 16

i can't wait to see what you think of legend nic :)

Jenny said... 17

Oooo you got Legend Nic, I can't wait to read that one! I'll be interested to see what you think of Crescendo too, I had a bit of trouble with Nora and Patch in that one but I'm still dying to know what happens in the next book. The cover for Unlovable is gorgeous:)

Bailey said... 18

Woohoo! =D Legend and All These Things I've Done!! Fantastic haul this week. Enjoy!

Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said... 19

i liked crescendo! enjoy!

Jenny said... 20

Awesome books! I've got Legend and All These Things I've Done but I haven't read them yet. Here's what I got this week. Happy reading!

Madigan Mirza said... 21

Looks like a great set.
The cover of Unloveable is so mesmerizing.
Enjoy your reading!

Anonymous said... 22

Love the cover of All These Things I've Done. Nice mailbox.

Melissa (Books and Things) said... 23

Oh you have so many there I'd love to read. Unlovable, Beautiful Malice, Deception.... Such WIN! :)

Julie said... 24

I love the cover of Beautiful Malice. awesome on receiving a finished copy of Zevin's book! Hope you enjoy them all :)

Kat said... 25

Legend looks great-- I've read good review for it, also. Never heard of Beautiful Malice, but I like the sinister cover. Happy reading, Nic!

Braiden said... 26

Legend <3; Beautiful Malice <3; All These Things I’ve Done am <3ing. Crescendo...meh! lol

Hope you enjoy Legend and Beautiful Malice :)

Christy @ TheReaderBee said... 27

Awesome mailbox! I'm really looking forward to reading Legend! I hope it's great. :) Enjoy!

Ange said... 28

Im loving the over of Unlovable! Tangled also looks like a great read. Hope you enjoy them and can't wait for your reviews!

Rachel@FictionalFantasy said... 29

Great books, I can't wait to get started on Deception :)

Have a great week,

Rachel @ Fictional Fantasy

Anonymous said... 30

Oh! I hope you love Tangled!!
It's so so good!
I loved it!!
It has a bit of an unusual time-frame narrative, but I loved it anyway!

I even like the cover! LOL.

Enjoy your books and have a great weekend!

Novels On The Run said... 31

Deception sounds interesting with ghosts! I have Unloveable to read, cover is gorgeous and Crescendo, well I do love Hush, Hush and Crescendo, I enjoyed but Silence is going to go off!!! I can't wait. Patch was my first fictional crush..sigh.... I can't wait for him in Silence, I am very bouncy.


A.J. said... 32

Looks like some really good books! :) I hope you like Legend! :D

Savannah said... 33

You got some amazing books! Enjoy them all!

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