Book Review: Saltwater Vampires by Kirsty Eagar

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Published by: Penguin Australia
Publication date: August, 2010
Source:  Bought

He looked to the sky, praying for rain, a downpour, some sign from the heavens that he should refuse the abomination contained in that flask. But all he saw was the bloated white face of the moon smiling down on him …

And the sky around it was cold and clear and black …

They made their circle of blood. And only the moon witnessed the slaughter that followed.

For Jamie Mackie, summer holidays in the coastal town of Rocky Head mean surfing, making money, and good times at the local music festival. But this year, vampires are on the festival’s line-up … fulfilling a pact made on the wreck of the Batavia, four hundred years ago. If their plans succeed, nobody in Rocky Head will survive to see out the new year.

Mini Review:

Favourite Quote:  "It was something they'd done a thousand  times before.  If Jamie went surfing with a mate and paddled in first, he always took time for that final wave.  And there was something so familiar in the ritual that for a moment he felt like everything was right.
He felt forgiven."

Saltwater Vampires has a smart and well thought out plot where the suspense will get your pulse pounding.   I have read a few other paranormal stories by Australian authors but they have never felt truly Australian but Saltwater Vampires definitely does.  The dialogue, the setting, the characters, it all feels like home.

Again Kirsty Eagar has written another story that is fiercely entertaining with a lot of heart. The pace is mostly relaxed and therefore took me a little while to warm up to it.  However the prose is so unbelievably gorgeous.

"They stared at each other for a long time. The rest of the world had gone somewhere else and everything that needed to be said was being said without talking. And Jamie knew how much he'd lost."

Not only is the writing incredible but so are the multi-layered characters.  They feel real, honest and down to earth.  I think it is impossible not to like this distinctive bunch.

Another great thing about this story is that it would appeal to both male and female readers of all ages.

Overall Saltwater Vampires is a fantastic read that is more than just your average vampire tale.

Overall Rating: 4/5

There has been some amazing reviews for Saltwater Vampires this week.  Please visit The Unread Reader and Bibliophile Brouhaha.

*** Sorry for the short and sweet review.  I haven't been well.  So I might be a bit late on returning comments too but I will get around to it.


Abbey said... 1

i've been curious about this series for a while now, I love the name 'Saltwater vampires' Is their any kind of romance Nic?

Jan von Harz said... 2

I Have been lusting after this book ever since I first saw the book trailer close to a year ago. Hope I get lucky and win it. I have been entering everyone's giveaway all week. Thanks for featuring Eager, I a fan even though I have yet to get my hands on one of her books.

Belle said... 3

Adding this to my wishlist, thanks Nic!

bibliophile brouhaha said... 4

I love the review and the quotes you chose, Nic. The 'lost' quote was one that really stuck out to me, but I forgot to mark it while reading, so I am so glad you included it!

I hope you feel better. Take care of yourself!


Leanna Elle said... 5

Hope you get well soon, Nic!

I really want to read this one. It's been on my wishlist for ages!

Jenny said... 6

Oh no! Hope you feel better Nic! I can't wait to read this one, I'm definitely in a Kirsty mood after all the fabulous posts this week:)

Missie, The Unread Reader said... 7

Mate! I'm so sorry to hear your not feeling well. Take some time to get better.

I've said this before, but that "He felt forgiven" line killed me! Loved Jamie soooo much. They were a very distinctive bunch.

And wow, the vamps in the story. So chilling. I've read books before where I say, wow, I'd like to be a vampire, but after reading SV I thought, GAH! Being human is Great!

Savannah said... 8

I need to read this book! I loved her other book Raw Blue! I need it! Loved the review! It only makes me want to read it more!

Jade said... 9

I've been hearing great things about this book. I read Missie's review, which was excellent. I don't know that I've read very many Aussie authors, but I see I will need to correct that promptly. Nice, to the point review. BTW...hope you feel better soon!

Liz. R said... 10

Aw no, hope you get well soon! I love the sound of this book - I like that it's not just your average vampire novel! Great review, I definitely want to read this now.

Anonymous said... 11

Wow! sounds like a pretty unusual book! Definitely will try to check it out because it looks amazing! :D

Bailey said... 12

Nic!! You make me want to read every book by Kirsty Eager. =D This one sounds just as good as Raw Blue!! =D So glad you loved it!!

Melissa (Books and Things) said... 13

Ah... feel better. I'd make you some chicken soup, but trust me, you are better off without my cooking!

I enjoyed your short/sweet review. It is exactly why I want to read this one. It sounds like such a different take on vamps! I really need it!

A Canadian Girl said... 14

Aw, hope you feel better soon, Nic. I loved Eagar's characters in Raw Blue and am sure I'll love them in this one. I know like nothing about surfing but I love how she brings the ocean to life and makes me feel like I'm out there with her characters.

Jacinda (The Reading Housewives) said... 15

It took me a bit to get into Raw Blue as well, but I still loved it by the end :)

Rummanah Aasi said... 16

Get well soon, Nic!

Multilayered characters are the best. I find them to be realistic and interesting. Really looking forward to reading this book after reading such awesome reviews from Missie and Linds!

Melissa (i swim for oceans) said... 17

K, see I legit hate vampires, but I love Kirsty's writing so much that I'm really, really tempted to read this one like next ;)

Great review!

Lauren M said... 18

I seriously need to get my hands on one of Kristy Eagar's books! They sound fantastic! I'm glad Saltwater Vampires has a distinctly Australian feel. I've never really read Aussie lit before, so that'll be interesting! Thanks for the review! :)

Unknown said... 19

Entertaining with a lot of heart sounds right up my alley. I love the sound of this, can't believe I've never heard of it before!

Jenny N. said... 20

You didnt mention too much about the vampires and what they're up to. So now I'm wondering how they might be different and what role they will have in the story.

Anonymous said... 21

I have this book on my list and can't wait to read. Hope you get better soon and take your time with your replies. Your health is more inportant. Thanks joannie jscddmj [at]aol[dot]com

Anonymous said... 22

I have this book on my list and can't wait to read. Hope you get better soon and take your time with your replies. Your health is more inportant. Thanks joannie jscddmj [at]aol[dot]com

Small Review said... 23

I'm very curious about this take on vampires. For some reason something about it makes me think of that movie The Lost Boys.

Aylee said... 24

Love the quotes. Love the Australian-ness. I must read something of Kirsty's sometime but I'm not sure which I want to star with.

Blogger said... 25

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