In My Mailbox #38

Sunday, September 4, 2011

In My Mailbox was created by Kristi at The Story Siren and inspired by Alea at Pop Culture Junkie.

This is 2 weeks worth of books since I forgot to do it last week!


Bloodlines by Richelle Mead - I am sure we have all heard of this spin off series to Vampire Academy.  Thanks to Penguin Australia.

Emblaze (The Violet Eden Chapters #3) by Jessica Shirvington - This series is written by an Australian author and has an interesting take on angels.  Thanks to Hachette Australia.

Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley -  This is one of my favourite books.  I read and reviewed it last year here on the blog.  Thanks to PanMacmillan Australia.

Beautiful Days by Anna Godbersen - This is book two in the Bright Young Things Series.  I still have to read book one but it sounds like a good drama-filled novel.  Thanks to Penguin Australia.

June of Rock by Elisa Ludwig - YA contemp about a girl rock camp that sounds fun.  Ludwig is the author of Pretty Crooked with is being released by Harper Collins next year.  Thanks to Elisa Ludwig.


Waterfall and Cascade both by Lisa T. Bergren - I already own this series on my kindle but because I loved it so much I had to have print copies.  If you haven't read this series I suggest you do.  Check out my review for Waterfall and Cascade.


What did you get in your mailbox?


A.J. said... 1

Nice books! I need to order copies of Waterfall & Cascade too. :D
I hope you like Bloodlines. Graffiti Moon looks real good with those awards on it. ;)

Anonymous said... 2

I got that exact same edition of Graffiti Moon this week too!! :) I had it come all the way from Aussieland along with my very own copy of Good Oil, and The aussie edition of The Piper's Son.

I hope you like the books you borrowed, I liked The Higgins one - it was cute, though more dude/chick lit than romance - and A Lot Like Love is one of my favorite contemps so far this year. I didn't love something about you but it wasn't bad.


Happy reading!

Book Passion for Life said... 3

Oohh Nic, I'm sooooo jealous you got the Embrace series book. We still can't get these books in the UK/US for another few months and I so wanna read them :( Sucks! Lol, hope you enjoy them though - Donna

Audrey (holes In My brain) said... 4

I want the aussie version of GM so bad :P Great books this week! I want to read Bloodlines!! :D

Abbey said... 5

Oooh lots of good books, I like the look of June of rock and i'm interested to read your thoughts on Emblaze and bloodlines. I keep seeing bloodlines when i go to Big w. And... Kirsten Higgens that name sounds familar i think i may have a book of hers, the covers cute.
Happy reading!

Unknown said... 6

Nice HauL!I am excited for Beautiful Days, but I have to read Bright Young Things First

Unknown said... 7

Ooo, Bloodlines! I've heard some amazing things about it. Happy reading, Nic!

Liz. R said... 8

Fab books this week! Bloodlines looks awesome, so does Graffiti Moon and Emblaze! Happy reading :).

Lesley said... 9

I loved Graffiti Moon I can't wait to get my hands on a paper copy I'm not sure I can wait until 2012!

I need to get Cascade too after devouring Waterfall. I also like to buy paper copies of my favs after reading them on my kindle, I just like having them on my shelf.

DT said... 10

I got Waterfall free for my kindle but I haven't read it yet. I'm hearing so much about Bloodlines that I may need to check it out.

Jenny N. said... 11

Nice mailbox! I've been wanting to read Beautiful Days and can't wait to find out what happens to the girls.

Anonymous said... 12

I keep hearing about Bloodlines. Enjoy!

Savannah said... 13

So happy and so jealous! I want to read that series The Violet Eden Chapters! Great books!

Melissa (Books and Things) said... 14

You already have me wanting Graffiti Moon so I suppose I'll be wanting June of Rock? Sounds good! Such a good IMM and I need to get more of the Waterfall series!

Small Review said... 15

Nice books, Nic :) I hear you on wanting print copies of TRoT series. Hope you enjoy all your books!

Michele//Just a Lil Lost said... 16

I just had my post about Bloodlines for the Penguin blog tour on Tuesday! Good read - enjoy! :)

I love the covers of the two Lisa Bergren books!

Here's my (excessive) IMM this week! :P

Jen (Makeshift Bookmark) said... 17

Ahhhhh Bloodlines! Adrian! Swoon-induced fainting!

Kristina said... 18

I have Bloodlines as well and I can't wait to read it, I HOpe I will be able to get to it soon

Happy reading

Anna @ Literary Exploration said... 19

I'm so excited for Bloodlines! I need to get my hands on it like, NOW


Hayley said... 20

I got bloodlines too!

Super cute blog! New follower!

check out my IMM and enter my giveaway if you want :D

Chel said... 21

I can't wait for my copy of Waterfall and Cascade to arrive! Your MBB pics of Marcello inspired me to buy the two.

And ohhh I want a printed copy of Graffiti Moon too. I read it awhile back and I have to agree, it's one of my favorite books too! Can't get enough of Shadow. :)

Chel @ The Procrastinator's Corner

Ashley @ Bookaholics Anonymous said... 22

Bloodlines was a really good book but I may be a little biased I love anything VA related. :) You always have cute designs for your blog.

mfay2 said... 23

Ah! Paperback version of Graffiti! I must hurry up and read the galley man! I've only heard great things!
Enjoy your books!

- Mary [ Anxirium | IMM ]

Melissa (i swim for oceans) said... 24

I honestly hear the most amazing things about Waterfall and Cascade. They sound brilliant...I can't wait to see what you think of Bloodlines! Enjoy :)

Bex said... 25

I got a copy of Bloodlines as well! Although mine was a gift from two friends. :) Hope you enjoy your new reads! Great week. :) My IMM can be found here!

Anonymous said... 26

You got Bloodlines!!! I still need to go buy my copy!!

And ps- I love those River of time covers, they feel like velvet...

Alix said... 27

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Bloodlines!

Missie, The Unread Reader said... 28

Now I'm thinking I need to get the River of Time series in print too! It's those delicious Italians. Yum!

And I'm really wanting to try those Julie James books now that I read your review for book one!

Ange said... 29

Can't wait to see what you think of Emblaze, I love that series.

Miss Page-Turner said... 30

I loved Graffiti Moon,too:)

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