Fever Series

Order of series: #1 Darkfever, #2 Bloodfever, #3Faefever, #4 Dreamfever and #5 Shadowfever. Click on book title for descriptions.
My Review:
Favourite Quote: I was about to look away when he reached across the seat, touched my jaw with his long, strong, beautiful fingers, and caressed my face.
Being touched by Jericho Barrons with kindness makes you feel like you must be the most special person in the world. It’s like walking up to the biggest, most savage lion in the jungle, lying down, placing your head it its mouth and, rather than taking your life, it licks you and purrs.
Being touched by Jericho Barrons with kindness makes you feel like you must be the most special person in the world. It’s like walking up to the biggest, most savage lion in the jungle, lying down, placing your head it its mouth and, rather than taking your life, it licks you and purrs.
So as you know I mostly read young adult fiction but my friends started reading the Fever series and going on about some guy names Barrons and so I thought it give it a try. OMG I LOVED IT! I am not sure if it is the action packed plot or the unique fae world or Moning's clever writing or the kick ass and loveable Mac or the sexy and mysterious Barrons but something about this series was SERIOUSLY ADDICTING.
Moning's writing is magical, meaningful, dark and passionate. The plot is thrilling and mysterious. It caused me plenty of sleepless nights (I even dreamt about this series, unfortunately though not Barrons). I had so many questions that I needed answers for and Moning kept me waiting until the last possible minute for them especially when it came to Jericho Barrons.
Jericho Barrons what can I say about him. He is dominant, dangerous, sexy, scary, hot and a jackass. I like that he wasn't your typical hero type and I think that is what helps this series standout from rest. He was one of the most complex and frustrating characters (in a good way) I have read in a long time.
Mac, is a pretty awesome female protagonist. I like the fact that she is strong but at the same time girly. She really had a nice balance between the two. And in each book her character changed for the better, becoming stronger and more determined. She also made me laugh especially with her the witty bantering with Barrons.
The romance was steamy even though there wasn't a lot of sex scenes. It was more Barrons dirty talk. Seriously he knows how to make a girl blush.
The only problem I did have with this series was that not everything got tied up neatly but I have heard that Moning is writing a spin off series, so hopefully the last few questions will be answered then.
Overall, the Fever series was a delicious, unexpected, edge of my seat read that I recommend if you are looking for a good adult paranormal/urban fantasy escape. But warning, it is VERY addicting. Once you start this series you won't be able to stop!
Overall Series Rating: 4.5/5
Writing: 5/5
Plot: 4/5
Characters: 5/5
Romance: 4/5
Covers: 3/5
For More info: Visit Karen Marie Moning's website.
For More reviews: The Unread Reader and Supernatural Snark
I really need to read this series! They sound so good, and if you could read them all in two weeks, starting a series with 5 books doesn't seem quite so daunting. Great review, Nic!
Wow! The series must be really good that you finished it in two weeks. I am really bad with series books. Even if I like the first book, it takes me ages before I get to the second. I really want to read the series after your review. Thank you!
I am quite impressed that you spent two weeks reading this series, and your review of it makes me think I have definitely been missing out. Barron sounds yummy and I wouldn't mind blushing, as it has been a long time since anyone has colored my cheeks. Thanks for the review, time to check this series out.
This is an awesome series. I have to yet to read the final book but I have heard loads about it. Great review :)
I loved this series, and I want MORE! X3
Reading the entire series in two weeks is crazy but then from your review you really made it sound that good. Barrons sounds so yummy so I guess I really need to read this series ASAP.
Yay! You've read it!
Sometimes I feel like there are no words for Barrons, but if I had to pick a few, I'd say hot jackass are good ones.
I felt the same about the end of the series, but I couldn't be surprised. Moning is an evil genius. I'm sure she will give us the rest of the answers when she is good and ready to.
YAAAAAY! So glad you got addicted:) Barrons just sucks you in doesn't he? I couldn't get enough of him even when I wanted to punch him in the face. This will forever be a standout series for me:) Lovely review Nic!
:) I am half way through Faefever and just wanted to say that I LOVE your Barrons picture. Great review! Nora
Ummmm, I cannot wait for the spinoff series - and YES - Jenny is to blame for the Fever fever! Ohhhhh, Barrons - everyime Tumthumpin comes on, I have flashbacks. . .
Ive thought of reading this...Ive heard its sexy without a lot of the raunchy...I lile Fae stories too so I think Ill read this over Spring break...;)
awesome idea doing all the series together. i am so psyched about reading these. I hope I can get my hands on Barrons, I mean, the first book this week!
Wow! High praise. I don't really know much at all about this series, but I'm thinking I'll have to find out more! :)
Okay having just finished Vampire Academy I need a new series to whizz through. This sounds like the one :)
I am intrigued by this Barrons. I hope I shall soon be joining you in the swooning!
I've read the first book in this series. I think I did to re-read it and then read the rest. You've convinced me :)
Great review! I have the first book in the series because people on Goodreads keep recommending this. I haven't had a chance to read it though.
The fact that you breezed through the entire series in two weeks tells me it's good! I don't really read much adult but I think I'll have to make an exception for this one.
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